Bassanese Bites: The Big Squeeze – February 01 2021
Global markets It’s great to be back for another years of Bites! Since I last wrote on December 21, global equities have essentially moved sideways (consolidating after the big push higher in November), while bond yields have pushed modestly higher. The $US is trying to bottom …
FNArena’s Weekly Insights – January 25 2021
In this week's Weekly Insights: -Why Worry? -Conviction Calls By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena Why Worry? As reported in earlier updates, I returned from holidays thinking this market is way too confident, way too bullish, and way too exuberant on numerous accounts. Turns out, market strategists at Bank of America …
FNArena’s Weekly Insights – January 18 2021
In today's Weekly Insights (the first in 2021): -Share Market Outlook 2021: Swings & Roundabouts -Conviction Calls By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena Share Market Outlook 2021: Swings & Roundabouts The past three months have reminded investors about that one old adage that had been largely forgotten post-GFC: -global recessions pull cheaply …
Bassanese Bites: Outbreak – December 21 2020
Global markets Global equities pushed ever higher last week as the rollout of vaccines and the lingering promise of a U.S. stimulus deal outweighed serious but seemingly now ‘lagging’ news on soaring COVID cases, new restrictions, and slowing economic data. Why worry about new waves of …
Bassanese Bites: Deadlock – December 14 2020
Global markets It was a frustrating week for global markets with the U.S. failing to agree on a new stimulus plan and the UK and EU also failing to agree on the terms of their post-Brexit trade relationship. America’s raging COVID crisis – and recent ratcheting …
Bassanese Bites: Drugs and money – December 07 2020
Global markets Despite a weaker than expected payrolls report, and surging COVID cases, U.S. stocks hit new records last week, buoyed by an apparent breakthrough in fiscal stimulus talks and ongoing excitement about an impending vaccine rollout. Risk-on sentiment was also reflected in a further decline …
FNArena’s Weekly Insights – November 30 2020
Dear time-conscious investor: Share price volatility does not equal risk, and this week's All-Weather Stock proves exactly that In this week's Weekly Insights: -"Be Respectful Of The Past" -Question Of The Week -Mayday. Mayday. Website Down By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor FNArena "Be Respectful Of The Past" As every battle-hardened investor knows: achieving …
Bassanese Bites: Heal the world – November 30 2020
Global markets Last week again highlighted the forward-looking nature of markets, with global equities pushing higher on further positive vaccine news, despite a softening in economic data and ever-rising COVID cases in the United States. Trump also edged closer to conceding defeat, allowing his bureaucrats to …
Bitcoin – January 2021 – The need for Independent Advice