Bassanese Bites: Dot plot showdown – March 15 2021
Global markets Global equities managed to shrug off further upward pressure on bond yields last week, as the combination of strong economic growth yet tame inflation results buffeted investors. The S&P 500 Index rose 2.6% even as U.S. 10-year bond yields lifted 6 basis points to 1.63%. …
Bassanese Bites: Bond watch – March 08 2021
Global markets Global equities managed to end last week in positive territory, despite a further lift in bond yields. Although markets were initially disappointed that Fed chair Powell did not promise to do more to stem the rise in yields, investors finally concluded after the …
Bassanese Bites: Good news is bad news – March 01 2021
Global markets The ‘bloodbath’ in global bond markets continued last week, with U.S. 10-year bond yields ending the week up another 7bps to 1.41%. A poorly supported U.S. 7-year Treasury bond auction appeared to be the catalyst for last week’s further yield gain, with assurances from …
Bassanese Bites: Bond blues – February 22 2021
Global markets The rise and rise in global bond yields in recent weeks – on the back of rising raw material and wholesale price pressures – finally got noticed by hard-charging equity markets last week, though at this stage the yield impact is a glancing blow …
Bassanese Bites: Inflation Watch – February 15 2021
Global markets Global equities continued to grind higher last week in the absence of bad news. Biden’s massive U.S. fiscal stimulus package remains the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ as it slowly winds it way through Congress and gives equity bulls something positive to talk about …
Bassanese Bites: QE2 – February 08 2021
Global markets Those of us counting on a deeper correction in equities to add exposure would have been a little disappointed last week as the “retail rebellion” volatility fizzled out and markets instead basked in the glow of ongoing good economic data, corporate earnings, and major …
Bassanese Bites: The Big Squeeze – February 01 2021
Global markets It’s great to be back for another years of Bites! Since I last wrote on December 21, global equities have essentially moved sideways (consolidating after the big push higher in November), while bond yields have pushed modestly higher. The $US is trying to bottom …
Bassanese Bites: Outbreak – December 21 2020
Global markets Global equities pushed ever higher last week as the rollout of vaccines and the lingering promise of a U.S. stimulus deal outweighed serious but seemingly now ‘lagging’ news on soaring COVID cases, new restrictions, and slowing economic data. Why worry about new waves of …
Bassanese Bites: Deadlock – December 14 2020
Global markets It was a frustrating week for global markets with the U.S. failing to agree on a new stimulus plan and the UK and EU also failing to agree on the terms of their post-Brexit trade relationship. America’s raging COVID crisis – and recent ratcheting …
Bassanese Bites: Drugs and money – December 07 2020
Global markets Despite a weaker than expected payrolls report, and surging COVID cases, U.S. stocks hit new records last week, buoyed by an apparent breakthrough in fiscal stimulus talks and ongoing excitement about an impending vaccine rollout. Risk-on sentiment was also reflected in a further decline …