FNArena’s Weekly Insights – November 27 2023

In this week’s Weekly Insights:

-All-Weather Portfolio In 2023
-Conviction Calls & Best Ideas

By Rudi Filapek-Vandyck, Editor

All-Weather Portfolio In 2023

This week I am visiting Melbourne on invitation of the Big Australian, BHP Group ((BHP)), hence this week’s Weekly Insights is written from an inner-city, Melbournian hotel room. It’s been raining outside.


It’s not an exaggeration to state the post-covid years have been tough on most investors, with plenty of angst and threats forcing financial markets through volatile swings and roundabouts.

At the macro level, 2021 was all about the post-pandemic recovery and whether the come-back of inflation would prove temporary, but then came 2022, and central bank tightening; it was not much fun.

That much maligned big bear market did not arrive, however, but 2023 has nevertheless still managed to disappoint most. We’ve seen rallies, and retreats, discussions and debates, the public arrival of AI, but ultimately this year shall be characterised by low volumes, low conviction, lots of trading and very little in sustainable gains.

At least such seems to be the experience for those investors whose main focus is on the Australian exchange.

Performances from indices and general impressions are not every investor’s game, and if we dig deeper below the surface of the ASX there are plenty of positive surprises to be found.

Take the banks, for example, prime point of attention for just about everyone in Australia…..

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